Shirley And Wythall Chess Club
Wythall House Wythall Community Club, 52 Silver Street, Wythall, Birmingham, West Midlands, United KingdomNewcomers of any ability, age and gender are welcome to come and have a friendly game.
YOUR Family Friendly Club And Park
Newcomers of any ability, age and gender are welcome to come and have a friendly game.
Wythall Radio Club is one of the most active clubs in the Midlands.
Newcomers of any ability, age and gender are welcome to come and have a friendly game.
Wythall Radio Club is one of the most active clubs in the Midlands.
Newcomers of any ability, age and gender are welcome to come and have a friendly game.
Wythall Radio Club is one of the most active clubs in the Midlands.
Newcomers of any ability, age and gender are welcome to come and have a friendly game.
General Knowledge and Music Rounds Spot Prizes Raffle Family Fun Teams are invited from 1 to 6 players Prize for the winning team Think of a team name. The winners names will be published on our website and social media Members and non-members* are invited to join the quiz £6 per team entry fee Register …
Wythall Radio Club is one of the most active clubs in the Midlands.
Newcomers of any ability, age and gender are welcome to come and have a friendly game.